Vyjadrenie Veterinárnej správy:  




Psi sú presťahovaní niekam preč. Slečna Mrázová má nahlásiť adresy psov a Veterinárna správa ich pôjde skontrolovať.

Budeme monitorovať situáciu.


Miss Mrazova moved the dogs away. She needs to get the addresses to check it out. We will monitor the situation.




16.1.2018 - This morning’s inspection – dogs are still in the same garden!
It is frozen now :(

The Regional Veterinary and Food Administration (RUVZ) has started „Infringement procedure“ against Miss Mrázová. They gave her 1 week to retreat. If she will take dogs to another place, she has to report the new address and they will go to check them. The official statment of RUVZ will be on the next week.










Dňa 11.1.2018 sa uskutočnila kontrola držania chrtov - barzojov majiteľky slečny Jany Mrázovej,


ktorú vykonala Regionálna veterinárna a potravinová správa so svojimi inšpektormi.


On January 11th, 2018 inspectors of the Regional Veterinary and Food Administration inspected conditions in which the sighthounds - borzois - owned by Ms. Jana Mrazova are being kept.


Tu sú fotografie z kontroly:

Here are pics of inspection: