Írsky vlkodav
Ádh-Mór Really Irish
Narodený/á: 18.3.2002
Rodičia: Pitlochry's Samuel x Ibella Bell Norman
Chovatež: Edita Dobrovolná, Komenského 727, idlochovice
Majitež: Taána Ratuská, Gercerova 21, Bratislava
Pitlochry's Samuel
Night Cap's Archie
Dogwood von der Oelmuhle
Wolf Tone John Foggerty
Maeverik's Wallflower
Fiona von dem Eimershof
Gentle Giants Winner
Amarena von dem Eimershof
Pitlochry's Linsey
Quincy of Kilmara
Nasch from the Good Heath
Miss-Marple from the Good Heath
Arwen Norman
Cyrus od vejka
Areté Daskerwill
Ibella Bell Norman
Pitlochry's Duncan
Oelmuhle Anton
Karla from the Good Heath
Akin's Lotte
Akin's Just-He
Echo of my Dream v. Duke's Paradijs
Aelswith Norman
Sir Sean v.d. Oelmuhle
Erry del Monte
Bran Mag Mor
Fiesta for ever Sagittarius