Donaueshingen FCI Euro Sighthound 2005



Rozhodca /Richter /Judge: Mrs. A. MacDonald (GB)

PSI /males /rüde:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 French Connection High on Emotion

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1 Rivarco Aragorn
V2 Vendanges Tardives du Sac à Malices
V3 Violon d’Ingres du Sac a Malices
VD4 Betty Barclay Dirty Dancing

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, CAC, Best Dog Ja Ser Namorar Mann
V2 Un as du Manoir de la Grenouillere
V3 Gallicus of Gentle Mind
V4 Betty Barclay Campari Flip
VD Unexpected Pleasure du Croquet
VD Vison Doré of Verywhip 

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, resCAC Cobyco Center Peace
V2 Edward of Gentle Mind
V3 Don Camillo High on Emotion
V Sobresalto Offer the Top
V Bayard Cool Impression at Dumbriton
V Sandline Copyright 
V Whipcat Johnny B. Good
V Wolf Tone Armani
V Agent Blue with the Stormy Paws

Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse

V1 Scoop of Verywhip

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1 Almansor’s Local Hero
V2 Dumbriton Casting Stone
V3 Fiefoerniek’s Vanderbuilt
V4 Almaglo Cavalier
V Cobyco Call the Shots

Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse

V1 Almansor’s Ironman
V2 L’Etat cest moi du Sac a Malices
VD3 Aladin v.d. Mühlehalde

FENY /females /hündin:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 Whipcat One Moment in Time
VN2 Kwamina of Gentle Mind
VN3 Fleur de Lis High on Emotion
VN4 Druantia’s Baronesse my white dream
VN Hasue Love in at Whipcat

of Daphnée of Very Whip

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1 Jubilant Joceline of Gentle Mind
V2 Jubilant June of Gentle Mind
V3 Almansor’s Object of Desire
V4 Jubilant Juliet of Gentle Mind
V Vanilla de la source des Bois
V Rivarco Arwen
VD Vakvagta Danaida

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, resCAC Barnesmore Ruby Tuesday
V2 Signum Lillies 1 Willows
V3 Hortensia of Gentle Mind
V4 Olympic Glory of Goldenblue
V Cheek to Cheek
VD Venusia of Very Whip

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, CAC, FCI Euro Sighthound 2005, BOB, BIS, Best of Best Daydream Di Mahana
V2 Hasue Foreign Affair at Whipcat
V3 Olympic Mystery of Goldenblue
V4 Almansor’s Magic Moments
V Sandline Baby Lady
V Rivarco Sister Rubinia
V Rivarco Classic Crystal 
V Funny Girl of Gentle Mind
V Avalon’s Love me Tender
V Camilla of Gentle Mind
V Sandline Blue Moon
V Daria of Tontuta 
VD Jeebee’s Sweet Rose Mary

Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse

VD1 Avalon’s Jolence

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1 Rivarco Krissa
V2 Rivarco Olympia
V3 Margarita Magic of Falconcrag
V4 Illuma of Liberty 

Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse

V1 Showstar I’am Everybodies Darling


Donaueschingen Winner 2005



Rozhodca /Richter /Judge: Uwe Fischer (D)

PSI /males /rüde:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 French Connection High on Emotion

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1, JuniorWinner, JBOB Vendanges Tardives du Sac à Malices
V2 Betty Barclay Dirty Dancing

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, VDH Gallicus of Gentle Mind

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, CAC, VDH Agent Blue with the Stormy Paws
V2, resCAC, resVDH Edward of Gentle Mind
V3 Avalon’s Let’s Twist Again
V4 Cobyco Center Peace
V Don Camillo High on Emotion

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, VDH, Winner Donaueschingen Almansor’s Local Hero
V2, resVDH Almaglo Cavalier
V3 Lincoln vom Kleinen Berg
V4 Fiefoerniek’s Vanderbuilt

Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse

V1 L’Etat cest moi du Sac a Malices
V2 Aladin v.d. Mühlehalde

FENY /females /hündin:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN Kwamina of Gentle Mind
VN Fleur de Lis High on Emotion
VN Druantia’s Baronesse my white dream

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1, JuniorWinner Almansor’s Object of Desire
V2 Jubilant Juliet of Gentle Mind
VD3 Vanilla de la source des Bois
VD4 Vakvagta Danaida

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, CAC, VDH, Winner Donaueschingen, BOB, Best of Best Daydream Di Mahana
V3 Hortensia of Gentle Mind
V2, resVDH Olympic Glory of Goldenblue

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, resCAC Rivarco Classic Crystal 
V2, resVDH Magarita Magic of Falconcrag
V3 Almansor’s No Angel
V4 Olympic Mystery of Goldenblue
V Avalon’s Love me Tender
V Funny Girl of Gentle Mind
V Daria of Tontuta 
V Whipponga Breathless at Sacamalices
V Jeebee’s Sweet Rose Mary

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, VDH Rivarco Olympia


Klasifikácia /Classification /Klassifikation:

V -výborný /excellent /vorzüglich

VD -ve¾mi dobrý /very good /sehr gut

D -dobrý /good /gut

Dostat. -dostatoèný /sufficient

Nedost. - nedostatoèný /insufficient

VN -ve¾mi nádejný /very promissing /vielversprachend

N -nádejný /promissing /versprechend


ch - chovate¾ /breeder /Züchter

m - majite¾ /owner /Eigentümer