3.6.2005 EuroDog show Tulln, A


Rozhodca /Richter /Judge: Heinz Anschober, A

PSI /males /rüde:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 Joasis the Hunter

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1, JB, EJW 2005 Gaysyde March Sunrise

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, CAC Eikica Clever Clive
--- Follow the White rabbit Ypsylon
--- Katatjuta§s Uncle Sam

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, CAC Dahmraks Hangover
V2, resCAC Estet Classi Ferari
V3 Caesar Windspiel Decuma
V4 Artus of Camelot§s Legend
V My Camelot Dark Knight
VD My Camelot Sky on Fire
--- Telegram Twinst OFortune

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, CAC, CACIB, EW 2005 Epic Brave at Sobers
V2, resCAC, resCACIB Jets Keep the Snake
V3 Happy Hunters Kind of Magic
V4 My Camelot Sunrise Snoke
V Adalgrim of Camelots Legend
V Gaysyde Christmas Past
--- All the Best Ypsylon

Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse

VD SratN All Over Ypsylon

FENY /females /hündin:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN Mistweave Moonshine

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1, JB, EJW 2005 Chelsea Dell Attimo Fuggente
V2 Baby Girl Fi-It
V3 Airy Elfs Junos Beauty
V4 Kiltown Abbey Herne

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1, CAC Katatjutas Uyulala
V2, resCAC Naama Bay Dell Attimo Fuggente
V3 East of the Sun do Castelo de Alfaia
V4 Katatjutas Unbelievable Sweetheart
D Cevandora off Royal Line
--- Bokamaro Kobenhawn
--- My Camelot My Life

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, CAC, CACIB, EW 2005, BOB Sobers Galathea
V2, resCAC Cranberry Decuma
V3 Airy Elfs Glamour Heart
V4 Agna-Chelsea of Camelots Legend
V Niegara Dell Attimo Fuggente
VD Xquisite Dynasty Ypsylon
--- Adeline of Camelots Legend
--- My Camelot Irish Knight

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, CAC, resCACIB Airy Elfs Gingerbread Heart
V2, resCAC Happy Hunters keep the Secret
V3 Epic Beautiful at Sobers
V4 Amalswind of Camelots Legent
V My Camelot Scarlet Rose
VD Rhetsgis Tell The World

Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse

V1, Najlepší veterán Noble Spirit of Chelsea


Klasifikácia /Classification /Klassifikation:

V -výborný /excellent /vorzüglich

VD -veľmi dobrý /very good /sehr gut

D -dobrý /good /gut

Dostat. -dostatočný /sufficient

Nedost. - nedostatočný /insufficient

VN -veľmi nádejný /very promissing /vielversprachend

N -nádejný /promissing /versprechend


EJW 2005 - Európsky víťaz mladých /Europa Junior Winner

EJW 2005 - Európsky víťaz /Europa Winner


ch - chovateľ /breeder /Züchter

m - majiteľ /owner /Eigentümer