Whippet speciality Netherland 17 /02/2007

Rozhodca /Richter /Judge:

Whippet  females Frau I. Krah-Heiermann (Germany)
Whippet males Frau W. Schwerm-Hahn (Germany)

PSI /males /rüde:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 StripPoker's Georgeous Gigolo
VN2 StripPoker's Guestlist Only

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1 Spotlight Fionnmae
V2 Delirious Gabriel 
V3 Delirious Gnat's Whistle
V4 Reflection Crystal Rain
VD Spinneyhill Holly Berry
VD Of Summer's Joy Slim Shady
VD Handsome Fritz of the Mine Valley
--- Delirious Good Tidings

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1 Sandline Elegant Boy
V2 Storktown's Quartz
VD3 Better Do It Enzo Elegance Boy
VD4 Blue-Benji v.d. Hooge Bergh

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1, resCAC Bayard Tomatin
V2 Fiefoerniek's William
VD3 Akim Di Mahana
VD4 Thalys van de Hooge Bergh
VD Homely Luck's Waggling Whoopy
--- Dannyboy Di Mahana

Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse

V1 Akin's Johnnie Walker
VD2 Va-Vite Vainqueur Lamour Toujour

Trieda chovných /Breederklasse

V1 Blithe Spirit of Pearl’s Place
V2 Caught in the Act of Cane's
D Vaya Con Dios Tyla Redray
--- Mc Drive of Swan’s Corner

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, CAC, BOS Un As Du Manoir De La Grenouillere
V2 Sobresalto Pourquoipas
V3 StripPoker’s Arrogance
--- Better Do It Ayco Golden Boy

FENY /females /hündin:

Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse

VN1 With Sensory Access Always My Lady 
VN2 With Sensory Access Always My Angel
VN3 With Sensory Access Always My Star

Trieda mladých /Juniors /Jugendklasse

V1, resCAC Delirious Gates of Eden
V2 Of Summer's Joy Springtime Sue
V3 High Fury of the Mine Vally
V4 Of Summer's Joy Georgina
V Viena My Pride van Avendia
V Fiefoerniek's Vannozza
V Almansor's Power of Love
V StripPoker's Fly me to the Moon
V Vaya Con Dios Tiago

Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse

V1 Courthill Cinnamon Toast
V2 Half Angel of the Mine Vally
V3 Fiefoerniek's Viva Mercedes
--- Esmeralda Di Mahana

Trieda otvorená /Open /Offeneklasse

V1 Of Summer's Joy Mandolin
V2 Fiefoerniek's Wilhelmina
V3 Fiefoerniek's Vital Jewel
V4 Command Performance at Courthill 
V Gallant Lady of the Mine Vally
V Beautifull Missy of Pearl's Place
V Lady Azariah Faithfull Hollandia
V StripPoker's By Design
V Fiefoerniek's Volante
VD Zucchero van de Bruinbrand
VD Kapsones van de Bruinbrand

Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse

V1 Akin's Four Roses          
D2 Mythago's Dreamtime

Trieda chovných /Breederklasse

V1 Emily Di Mahana
V2 StripPoker's Drama Queeen
--- Mystic Lady of Swan’s Corner

Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse

V1, CAC, BOB Daydream Di Mahana
--- Sandline Baby Lady


Klasifikácia /Classification /Klassifikation:

V -výborný /excellent /vorzüglich

VD -veľmi dobrý /very good /sehr gut

D -dobrý /good /gut

Dostat. -dostatočný /sufficient

Nedost. - nedostatočný /insufficient

VN -veľmi nádejný /very promissing /vielversprachend

N -nádejný /promissing /versprechend


ch - chovateľ /breeder /Züchter

m - majiteľ /owner /Eigentümer