

PSI - T.Thorn, GB

FENY - R.G.Fisher, GB

PSY /males/rude:

Trieda  mladých /Junior class /Jugendklasse:
V Alix Akil of Pearl's Place
M: Wijnenen + Burger, NL
V1, Junior World Winner 2002 Spirit of Falconcrag du Haras D'Helios
M: Sethi-Eliot, F
V Moonlake Making Sure
M: Hooydonck, B
V Briary Affair
M: Kotompis+Gillespie, B
--- Strippoker's Arrogance
M: Groenendijk, NL 
--- Sharly du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: Bourdin, F
V Almansor's Luke Skywalker
M: Witt, D
VD Id Est Shakespeare
M: Lemm
V4 Fiefernek's Vaccation in Paris
M: Knudsen, DK
V2 Adagio Enough to Share
M: Nicolet, CH
--- Sobresalto Homo Sapiens
M: Ferraro, I
V Almansor's Local Hero
M: Krack + Eppenstein
V Fiefoerneck's Vanderbuitt
M: Mesavage, F
--- Uncas v. Klelnen Berg
M: Schmidt, D
VD Boxing Helena's Art Lover of Nevedith
M: Newton + Scheerens, B
--- Rivarco Naif
M: Erminio, I
V Jacky's Smilling Sortilege
M: Legrand, F
V Samoems Stradivarius
M: Teillers + Brom, NL
V Id Est Timur
M: Puclder, D
V Better Do It Ayco Golden Boy
M: Zijlstra + Albers, NL
V Boxing Helena's Art'n Craft
M: Buscholz, D
V3 Rivarco King Of Heaven
M: Turrini, I
Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse:
VD4 Taraly Red Between The Lines
M: Bourdin, F
V3 Boxing Helena's Zfa Zooropa
M: Scheerens+Dams, B
V2 Redford v. Kleinen Berg
M: Kleinenberg, D
V1 Blue Spring's Royalty
M: Graal + Vandewielce, NL
--- Walkabout Western Style
M: Thompson, GB
Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse:
V Starlight Express of Gullyridge
M: Brouwer, NL
V Nec Du Manoir de la Gremouillere
M: Cloes + Bourdin, B
V Zootsuits Lonely Heart
M: Sandqvist + Dijkhuizen, FIN
V Balzac Stralande Tider
M: Thonblorn, S
V Boxing Helena's Xint Man
M: Cocquempol + Boulked, B
V Viktor di Mahana
M: D'Hont + Delabelle, B
V Omar Prince of Persia du Haras d'Hélios
M: Cocquempot, F
V3 Blue Spirit's Morning Miss
M: Lampereur, F
--- Gidron el Schiraz
M: Rahms, D
V Almansor's Ironman
M: Klack + Eppenstein, D
V2, resCAC, resCACIB Whipcat Fire Island at Courthill
M: Stock, GB
V4 Bohem American Gigolo
M: Brom+ter Beek, NL
--- Spinneyhill All That Jazz at Hammonds
M: Papenfuss + Randall, D
V Frontrunner's Gun's Roses
M: Nielsen, DK
V Kitay Gorad Julius Caesar
M: Tolkunova, RUS
V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, World Winner 2002 Rivarco  Classic Jazz
M: Turrini, I
--- Masterpiece du Sac a Malices
M: Capitini, I
Trieda otvorená /Open /Offene Klasse:
V1 Sandline Yankee
M: Cloes, B
V Of Summer's Joy Lucky
M: Wiersma, NL
V Delirious Doodlebug
M: de Jonge, D
V Rave Orange du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: Bourdin, F
V4 Scoop du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: Delabella+Amand, B
VD Airescot Buccaneer
M: Thunblom, S
VD Blue Spring's Royal Ascot
M:Lempereur, F
--- McMahony el Shiraz
M: Palm, D
V3 Bohem Time Flies
M: Vanhaeren, B
--- Ruggero Raimondi du Sac a Malices
M: Rovani, I
--- Id Est Quantschiraz
M: Rahms, D
V2 Slikstone Secret Gold
M: Kiack, D
V Hillsdown Highlander
M: Peirels, F
V Ice in Hot Tea z Úpňku
M: Chrpová+Fiedler, CZ
V Courthill Crimson Pirata
M: Oschinski, D
V Rivarco Denny de Vito
M: Erminio, I
V Banbuy de Vida Nova
M: delle Rose, BRA
V Almansor's Knockin' On Heaven's Door
M: Permo, S
VD Per-Mobile Yeoman
M: Permo, S
V Frontrunner's Velvet Goldmine
M: Nielsen, DK
--- Sportingfields Jazz Fest
M: Burger, S
V Cobyco Call The Shots
M: Wolanczyk, PL
VD No Joke for Lucca
M: Roden, GB
Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse:
V1 Odin I'Honorable du Bois Malesine
M: Gill, B
VD2 Id Est Laertes
M: Lemm, D
FENY /females /hündin:
Trieda dorastu /Puppies /Jüngstenklasse:
--- Airescot Brillian Broomstick
M: N.Runsten, S
Trieda  mladých /Junior class /Jugendklasse:
VD Abisha Amara of Pearl´s Place
M: H.Wijnen, NL
V Esprit Leoncroi Wild at Heart
M: L.Gill, D
V Sonia Rykiel du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: J.Bourdin, F
V1, Junior World Winner 2002 Signum Tintarella di Luna
M: M.Hagstedt/R.Wiklund, S
VD Happyness v.d. Oelmuehle
M: Fernhout-Schildt, NL
--- Bokellas Mandy Brocklehurst
M: G.Eksvard, S
VD Signum La Piazza
M: K.Lind, S
V Siprex Lena
M: P.Thunblom, S
V4 Special Love du Haras D´Hélios
M: J.L.Cocquempot, F
VD Fiefoerniek´s Vanilla Queen
M: S.v.d.Graaf, NL
--- Sobresalto High Class
M: A.Rovani, I
V Tizia v.Kleinen Berg
M: Kleineberg/Rottmann, D
V Boxing Helena´s August Eve
M: B.Scheerens, B
--- Middle Kingdom´s DewLeFaye
M: M.Deiningen, D
V Thetis v. Kleinen Berg
M: B.Kornstadt, D
V Bokellas Sabrinas Jynx
M: S.Ongren, S
V3 Samoems Surprise Surprise
M: Teillers/Brom, NL
VD Pozhar v. Kremle Gordost Rossii
M: Zavyalova, RUS
V2 Rivarco Lafrancesca
M: G.Turrini, I
Medzitrieda /Intermediates /Mittelklasse:
--- Uitje v.d. Bruinbrand
M: A.P.Thomas, NL
V3 Briary Zoe
M: M.Beldman, NL
--- Sandline Zhora
M: M.Cloes, B
V2 Susan du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: J.Bourdin, F
--- Walkabout Wild Lament
M: S.A.Thompson, GB
V1 Per-Mobile Catch Your Later Boys
M: T.Permo, S
Trieda otvorená /Open /Offene Klasse:
VD River Dance v.d.Bruinbrand
M: B.Honingh, NL
V1, CAC, resCACIB Of Summer´s Joy Geoleah
M: W.Wiersma, NL
--- Emanatio´s Alekto
M: K.Sejersen, N
VD Briary Expression
M: S.Korompis-Gillepsie/Miller, B
V Reve Glamour du Manoir de la Grenouillere
M: J.Bourdin, F
--- Samoems Song of the Lark
M: J.Crease, GB
VD Airescot Refined Ruby
M: K.Lind, S
V4 Zamia di Mahana
M: D.Delabelle-Amand, B
VD Boxing Helena´s Yamunee
M: v.Aerschot/Dams, B
V Ykari de Yri Hemes Nefer
M: Snyers-De Prycker, B
VD Hillsdown Rebecca
M: J.L.Cocguempot-Boulked, F
--- Kohout´s Aspasia Nike
M: M.Hahn, D
V Amazon High on Emotion
M: Heiermann, D
--- Magic Grace el Schiras
M: A.Palm, D
--- Sobresalto Don´t Cry for Me
M: A.Rovani, I
V Imagine z Úplňku
M: V.Chrpová, CZ
--- Samoems Start Spreading the News
M: Punte/Teillers, NL
V3 Rosella Hightower du Sac a Malices
M: K.Mésavage, F
VD Margeaux v.Kleinen Berg
M: Kleineberg/Rottman, D
V Bescott Standard Lady of Falconcrag
M: P.Marston-Pollock, GB
--- Morgan Le Fay el Schiras
M: K.Waldeck, D
--- Bruma de Vida Nova
M: A.M.Dona dalle Rose, BRA
--- Airescot Royal Occasion
M: N.Runsten, S
V Of Summer´s Joy Georgy Girl
M: M.B.Pot, NL
V2 Bokellas Enkvinna av Staal
M: S.Ongren, S
--- Papan Glory du Sac a Malices
M: Papenfuss/Roesner, D
Trieda pracovná /Working class /Gebrauchshundklasse:
V1 Kleopatra v. Kleinen Berg
M: Kleineberg/Rottmann, D
Trieda šampiónov /Champions /Championklasse:
V Of Summer´s Joy Lady
M: v.d.Toorn, NL
--- Briary Vixen
M: S.Korompis-Gillepsie, B
V4 Signum Ana Luna
M: M.Hagstedt/R.Wiklund, S
V Boxing Helena´s Xotic Xile
M: B.Scheerens, B
V3 Silkstone Opera Queen
M: D.Lempereur, F
--- Octopussy de Gabylene
M: C.Gallienne, F
V2, resCAC Almansor´s Honky Tonk Woman
M: J.Kiack, D
--- Rivarco Velvet Voice
M: G.Erminio, I
V Dariel´s Hypnotic Butterfly
M: L.A.Gaetán/L.Arzuaga, PR
--- Crystal Creek Teadora
M: V.Popova, RUS
--- Meryl Streep du sac a Malices
M: Capitini Paris, I
V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner 2002 Rivarco Gazelle
M: M.Perna, I
Trieda veteránov /Veterans /Veteranenklasse:
V1 Signum Dolce&Gabbana
M: M.Hagstedt/R.Wiklund, S
V2 Bokellas Dallas
M: S.Ogren, S


Klasifikácia /Classification /Klassifikation:

V -výborný /excellent /vorzüglich

VD -veľmi dobrý /very good /sehr gut

D -dobrý /good /gut

VN -veľmi nádejný / vielversprachend

N -nádejný /versprechend